Adapt for the Future
Resiliency Adaptation
Extreme weather events are becoming more common and significantly more costly. The South Florida Community offers amazing quality of life benefits, however, it also faces many challenges including threats from the Climate Crisis. Miami Beach and Miami are the first and seventh-most vulnerable cities in the world as far as assets at risk from Sea Level Rise. Quality of life indicators will most likely become more stressed with the continued issues of Climate Change.
FEMA Flood maps are set to be updated one year later than expected, now set for October 2021. Current policies are less expensive than they should be due to outdated risk modeling that does not consider sea-level rise or tidal flooding and inaccurate mapping. The outdated thinking of overspending on insurance, and then rebuilding what was there, will no longer work. We must make data-driven decisions and build infrastructure to protect our communities. Properties that create adaptation infrastructure and policy have seen reduced flood insurance costs and increased property value.
Future Vision Services plans for resilience across all our services and is a South Florida expert on resiliency adaptation of the built and natural environments of our unique location.

Resiliency Adaptation Services
Explore Assets & Hazards – Identify climate and non-climate stressors, understand local climate and weather hazards, identify assets.
Determine Vulnerability – Categorize the sensitivity, adaptive capacity, vulnerability, and estimate the climate risk to the assets.
Climate Change Adaptation & Hazard Mitigation Planning – Identifying and prioritizing strategies for managing risk and reducing vulnerability through planning and policy.
Community Planning – Consolidate actions into a cohesive plan and create a sequence of actions while looking for opportunities to combine actions for cost savings.
Data Gathering and Evaluation
Green Infrastructure design
Report preparation
Community outreach and presentations
Street Planning
Transit Planning
Planning and Zoning & building code recommendations
Master Planning

Early Adaptation
The cities that will thrive in the twenty-first century will be where governments invested in comprehensive mitigation and resilience strategies, to not just help mitigate the effects of the climate crisis but to also massively enhance economic prosperity, attract the most talented people – and, not incidentally, make cities far better places to live. At-risk are our livelihoods, ecosystems, quality of life, city credit ratings, insurance options, and much more.
The urgency of timely, ambitious, coordinated,
and transformative actions is imperative.